A team of wellbeing consultants will be available to explore customised wellness solutions.
With over 3,000 attendees, close to 50 exhibitors and numerous knowledge-sharing sessions, the inaugural HR Indaba was arguably a resounding success. Wellbeing Partnerships chief executive Sandra Chadehumbe says they are looking forward to engaging with HR professionals to discuss their ideas on wellness at this year’s event.
What does Healthi Choices do, how long has it been around and what was the reason for starting the company?
The Healthi Choices founders have more than 30 years of experience in developing and operating leading wellbeing organisations. Healthi Choices was established as part of Europ Assistance SA in 2012 to develop the capacity to provide a more comprehensive and integrated wellbeing solution to healthcare, consumer and employer groups, who wish to embed wellbeing in the way they do business.
Healthi Choices would like to be the wellbeing change partner of large organisations who want to capacitate their partners to optimise the impact of developing a positive organisation through the use of technology and wellbeing intelligence.
How do you differentiate yourselves from other competitors in your space?
We are a behaviour change catalyst that facilitates positive organisations and people. We do this by designing a wellbeing change process to improve employee engagement (awareness and access), enablement (screenings, information, advice and coaching), exemplification (peer support) and encouragement (rewards).
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Why have you signed up for the HR Indaba and what should attendees look forward to seeing from you at the event?
We believe that we have a unique capability to capacitate HR professionals and managers to embed wellbeing in the way business is done. We will provide a team of wellbeing consultants who will assist HR professionals to explore customised solutions in particular, the integration of service delivery and improved management of health and wellbeing services, through creating a wellbeing intelligence capacity.
What would you say is the biggest challenge facing the HR profession?
The HR profession in South Africa are faced with the impact of social, economic and political changes within the workplace. The relationship between employee and employer continues to be under threat and the wellbeing of employees is impacted by social, economic and political matters including: fraud, theft, abuse, access to universal healthcare as well as organisational responses to the above (managing uncertainty, downsizing and the impact of increased use of technology).