Hybrid jobs are where the future lies


An article on HRPS highlights a growing trend of jobs that require both right and left-sided brainpower.

A recent article by John Bersin,  founder of Bersin™ by Deloitte, and principal research partner for HRPS, explains that there is a trend towards jobs becoming more hybrid in that they require skills sets that were never previously required. Published on the HRPS blog, the article cites research from Burning Glass Technologies, a company that analyses nearly a billion job postings and employee resumes from millions of companies, which finds signs of 'hybridisation' in jobs that tend to be among the fastest-growing, highest-paying and most immune to automation. 

These hybrid jobs are those that are typically multi-disciplinary and blend left-brain characteristics (logical, organized) with right-brain characteristics (creative, artistic). 

“Research shows that hybrid jobs are often specialist roles, such as data scientist, security analyst, product manager, marketing manager, and UI designer. These types of jobs often require some type of design sense, user knowledge, data analysis and interpretation, as well as business acumen,” writes the author, who goes on to explain that these Hybrid jobs are growing at twice the rate of average growth in the overall job market and are 40 percent higher paying than traditional counterparts.

According to the aforementioned research, approximately 25 percent of jobs in the U.S. economy are showing signs of requiring hybrid skills sets and are also growing in prevalence in every business domain. 

The three examples of such jobs listed in the article are: Marketing and public relations managers, who must be both creative and have a grasp on analytical tools to be effective; computer science and machine learning professionals who need both the technical abilities to write code and solve problems but also need soft skills for teamwork, collaboration, and business knowledge; and highly analytic jobs, such as a financial analyst or scientist, which now require skills in visual and written communications, creative thinking, and consulting.

“While single-role jobs can be automated, hybrid work can only be done by people who can interpret data, apply it appropriately, and ensure its use is ethical and aligned with business strategy. Burning Glass research shows that 42 percent of traditional jobs could be automated, compared to only 12 percent of highly hybrid jobs,” reads the article.

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