164 AngloGold Ashanti employees test positive for Covid-19


AngloGold Ashanti conducted 650 tests at its Mponeng mine and found 164 positive Covid-19 cases.

Gold mining company AngloGold Ashanti has confirmed that 164 employees working at its Mponeng mine have tested positive for Covid-19. Following the detection of the first positive Covid-19 case last week, a comprehensive screening, contact tracing and testing programme in which a total of 650 tests were carried out, 164 positive cases had been confirmed with only a handful of tests left to process. 

“All the positive cases would be isolated in line with national health protocols,” said AngloGold in a media statement explaining that the mine had used electronic tracking of all people underground as a safety tool in the event missing miners have to be located and that this system had been useful in quickly locating primary or close contacts. 

“Importantly, of the positive cases, the vast majority are asymptomatic. All positive cases will be isolated in line with national health protocols, with on-site facilities available for those who may need them. Mponeng uses electronic tracking of all people underground as a safety tool in the event missing miners have to be located. This system has been useful in quickly locating primary or close contacts,” said the company in a media statement. 

Operations at Mponeng Mine, which were running at 50 percent, have been temporarily halted on a voluntary basis, to complete contact tracing and to again deep clean and sanitise the workplace and key infrastructure. 


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