5 keys to motivating millennials


How to manage Gen Y employees.

Generation Y has been the most pampered and indulged generation. Growing up with the Internet and various technological gadgets, their views of life and work are different from any others - and if employers want to recruit and retain these people, strategies and policies and procedures will have to change.


For the millennials, life is not all about work, which is why it is important to find a job that may fit one's interest and personality to have a sense of fulfillment that this generation can be proud of. They do not go about their work in ways that are intended to get them to the next rung of the corporate ladder or win them favour with their bosses. They prefer to get involved in projects and initiatives that fascinate them, that they consider worthwhile, and that they see as useful to the world at large. The Generation Y workforce will be the foundation for the next three decades of employment and leadership, so companies really have to come to terms with their approach to work to thrive in the future.


Here are 5 things companies need to do to ensure that they keep their millennial employees engaged and motivated.


Create a transparent work environment. Information builds trust, community, and a shared feeling of purpose. Millennials feel engaged when they know the ‘why’ behind what they’re doing. So, when it is possible and appropriate, make data available for all employees to see.


Build strong relationships with them. Millennials view having strong friendships with co-workers and bosses as extremely important to them. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of workers staying longer in jobs simply because they loved the people they worked with. That is why it is important to keep millennials connected to individuals and providing potential mentors to enhance relationships.


Give them responsibility. Offer opportunities to start making decisions immediately. However, do so with some limitations to prevent younger workers from being overwhelmed by responsibility.


Work-life balance. Millennials do not only want flexible hours and schedules but also remote work options because of their perception of the never-ending intersection of work and life. They see themselves doing work everywhere so jobs must be designed to accommodate these workers' personal lives - not the other way around.


Offer recognition when it is deserved. Because they were raised in a bubble of constant praise and recognition from their families, millennials expect this kind of constant reinforcement and recognition at work. But do not make the mistake of giving them false praise because this reduces the effectiveness of recognition in the long run.

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