The directive clarifies the Visitor Visa with endorsement to conduct work in South Africa and purpose thereof.
The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) issued their first Directive for 2019 and clarifies the Visitor Visa in terms of Section 11(2) of the Act with endorsement to conduct work in South Africa and purpose thereof.
- An 11.2 visa will not be issued by the foreign Missions beyond three (3) months. Where an extension is required, same may be applied for in South Africa for an additional and final thee (3) months period.
- Once the required period(s) have concluded, a new 11(2) visa cannot be reapplied for within the same calendar year.
- Where the period of the visa overlaps into a new calendar year, the overlapping days will be considered part of the new calendar year.
- When filing an extension application, the DHA will calculate to ensure that the applicant does not exceed 180 days in South Africa in any given calendar year.
- This visa does not permit regular ongoing work – where such work is required, a suitable long term work visa must be applied for.