Skillogical gets the ball rolling at HR Indaba Tech Zone


Kuben Naicker presented their solution, which aligns learning interventions with business performance metrics.

HR Indaba Africa 2019 was held at the Sandton Convention Centre on 16 and 17 October 2019, where the HR Tech Zone opened with a demonstration of Skillogical’s innovative skills development and performance management solution that converts people information into sensible HR data.

“How many employees do you have that are not aware of how their performance will be measured or how each of their day-to-day activities impact the performance of the business as a whole? Our platform solves that problem in a few quick and easy steps,” said Skillogical director Kuben Naicker.

Wearing Bluetooth headsets, attendees listened attentively as Kuben explained how within five minutes, they could set up job profiles that employees could regularly refer to in order to check what tasks are required of them and learn how to better execute their roles. They can find out how much training, assessments or mentoring they need and put together a personal development plan that can be approved or adjusted by their line manager depending on how well the training intervention is aligned with the business objectives.

Said Kuben: 

“With every learning intervention, you are able to tell how what the impact on the business is likely to be. If you get a message like this, which says ‘business impact undefined’, then you know you don’t have to spend money on it.  This allows you to prioritise learning that has a material impact on the business." 

The platform is one that is perfect for organisation-wide skills surveys and reviews as it can give you a snapshot of what skills are present and what skills are still needed – at the touch of a button. Furthermore, because the Skillogical platform is accessible on any mobile device, users can engage with it at any time.

“Employees can provide feedback on each of the learning interventions, to which a line manager can track every aspect of what the employee is doing to improve their capability and track how that improves both their performance and that of the business.”

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