Worth is South Africa's leading independent financial education company.
Companies should take advantage of habitual online learning
NEXT's Siphelele Kubheka says online learning will be second nature to the new generation of graduates.
Chinese bank employee slapped by executive for refusing to drink
The bank has issued an apology after the employee recounted his experience on social media.
7 steps for cultivating a coaching culture among leaders
Talent strategist Anja van Beek says leaders must be adaptive problem-solvers to guide teams well.
Marketing Conversation reveals advertising should be built around trust
Colleen Backstrom explains how marketers can use neuromarketing to build familiarity.
HR leaders tip their hats to JSE's groundbreaking parental leave policy
JSE HR director Donald Khumalo fielded questions about the policy in this week's Community Conversation.
Pivot or Persevere: Advice from a solutionist
Tracy Morris shares her story of succeeding in business by overcoming introversion. among other things.
Press release: Help your employees leave their Januworries behind in 2023
After December’s overspending and a new year’s financial commitments, how can we show our employees the love as we head into February?
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Worth is South Africa’s leading independent financial education company. Having changed the lives of over 40,000 South Africans using our training – which is available online or face-to-face – in English or Zulu, we’re the go-to resource for companies looking to increase productivity, while reducing presenteeism and job-hopping. We strive to make you look good, while we do good. It’s all about your ROI. That’s why our financial wellness interventions are supported by two marketing campaigns, as well as a powerful reporting dashboard which guides you through our 60-day deployment. Chat to us today about a pilot!
Address: 205 Rivonia Road Morningside
Phone: 010 592 1839
Website: www.worth.co.za