PRESS RELEASE: New digital solution helps embattled HR professionals stave off burn-out


Future-facing, bespoke HR toolkit manages employees in post-pandemic workplace

Human resources has always been tough. In our post-pandemic workplace, it’s even tougher, heightened by the blurred lines between work and home. People management has never been more complex or risky, and human resource professionals never more overwhelmed.

It’s no surprise then that a recent survey of US and UK HR professionals revealed that almost all of them are experiencing burn out, dread going to work and are keen to leave their jobs. The situation is likely no different in South Africa.

As a legal-tech company focused on governance, risk and compliance, LexisNexis South Africa understands the risks embattled local HR professionals face. As an innovative, digital-first organisation, it also understands the game-changing impact of smarter technologies, new tools and cutting-edge software solutions for practitioners struggling to cope in today’s rapidly evolving HR environment.

It's this thinking that’s behind the company’s new and bespoke HR/HC solution, Lexis Smart Human Capital, an all-in-one software solution for busy HR professionals who want to ensure they operate within the SA legal framework. Designed from the ground up, this future-facing toolkit offers the latest compliance and regulatory content, together with workflow and intuitive online document filing, easing the workload of overburdened HR professionals.

It has been especially created as a go-to solution for all things HR, covering:

⦁ Recruitment processes
⦁ POPIA guidance
⦁ Health and safety in the workplace
⦁ CCMA outcomes
⦁ Disciplinary and dispute resolution

Through access to curated, easy-to-digest, relevant content, customised HR documents powered by Lexis Smart Documents, user-friendly guidance tools, and exclusive access to a bank of CCMA cases, HR practitioners – along with labour relations professionals and all those in employee-related leadership roles - are able to make faster decisions and resolve disputes speedily, making modern-day HR challenges far more manageable.

“HR professionals have carried an incredible burden due to Covid and other disruptions in workplaces, and we salute them for adapting as well as they have under very trying circumstances,” says LexisNexis SA CEO, Videsha Proothveerajh. “There’s no doubt they have borne the brunt of having to manage employees during unprecedented times.”
It is critical, says Proothveerajh, that HR practitioners are supported by technology and new tools enabling them to work smartly and more efficiently, as they tackle the new way of work and the complex challenges brought with it.
“The already high demands on practitioners will only grow; these difficulties require a new mindset, supported by new digital solutions and online platforms, to increase productivity, reduce risk and ensure HR professionals stay on top of their game.”
For more information on Lexis Smart Human Capital, visit

About LexisNexis Legal & Professional
LexisNexis Legal & Professional® provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, achieve better outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. As a digital pioneer, the company was the first to bring legal and business information online with its Lexis® and Nexis® services. LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries with 10,500 employees worldwide, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers.

For over 85 years LexisNexis South Africa has been at the forefront of legal content and technology, driven by its commitment to the vision of ‘Enhancing the Potential of the African Continent by Advancing the Rule of Law’. With its strong community of legal professionals, it advances the practice of law. Through its corporate solutions, it advances compliance with the law. Finally, LexisNexis partners closely with government to advance the upholding of the law. Today, LexisNexis South Africa provides the most trusted and credible legal and regulatory content and intelligent, digital platforms. Its corporate solutions guide clients to better decisions, grounded in the latest legislation and regulatory developments. LexisNexis® prides itself on offering unmatched content accuracy together with superior technology. From e-signature to GRC, LexisNexis equips today’s organisation to protect against risk in the most
