Press release: Torque launches a plug and play DEI toolkit


The DEI toolkit is an easily deployable content pack that can be used to steer organisations.

Torque have launched the DEI toolkit, an easily deployable content pack that can be utilised to steer the organisation towards more diverse, equitable and inclusive outcomes. The toolkit comes in digital format supported by hardcopy journal, which increases reach in industries where not all employees work online.

Torque has partnered with subject matter experts across the board to contribute to the broad range of content topics. The DEI toolkit is unique in the fact that it is a collaboration of thought leaders in various subjects that impact on and influence real diversity, equity and inclusion.

The digital component houses learning, videos, webinars and activities and the printed journal has the dual function of making the content accessible to remote employees and allowing for personal reflection, offline learning and activities, resources and feedback

The DEI Toolkit is a 12 module program that is pre-built and ready for customisation and deployment. It focuses on the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change in the organisation. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Understanding Bias
  • Racial and ethnic diversity
  • Cultural diversity
  • Gender mainstreaming
  • Sexual diversity
  • Disability awareness

The DEI Toolkit is a pre-built content pack that covers the fundamentals of DEI and easily incorporates with existing policies, messaging and branding so that HR practitioners can get their program into the hands of their employees quickly and easily. Usage rights are available in 12, 24 or 36 month blocks and can be purchased in SCORM format and uploaded to a company’s existing LMS, or in Word format and uploaded to an intranet.
