Dimension Data's Michaela Voller nominated for CHRO Awards 2019


The HR executive has become a thought leader in digital transformation.

Dimension Data HR executive for Middle East & Africa Michaela Voller has been nominated for the inaugural CHRO Awards, to be held on 27 November 2019. The awards give HR directors and CHROs of listed companies, large corporations, state-owned entities and government institutions alike the opportunity to be recognised and rewarded for their exceptional performance and leadership. 

As someone with extensive experience with ERP system changes and transitions, Michaela has overseen Dimension Data’s pace-setting adoption of artificial intelligence and other forms of advanced technology in the workplace. The fourth industrial revolution has become a buzz phrase and is something that is invariably discussed at conferences and thought leadership events as being among the major concerns for business and society at large, which makes Michaela’s expertise on the subject invaluable. In an interview with CHRO SA, for example, Michaela shared her insights on work that the company is doing to understand which processes can be taken over by robots, referring to two robots already in place at Dimension Data: Codey Mits, whose surname stands for ‘Mere ITS (Intelligent Transformation System), and another robot called Pippa, which screens CVs.

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“The tagline I use internally is that 'we have had a robotic expectation of human performance for far too long'. And the real value of humans is that they have empathy and EQ and can make mistakes. So where we want a process delivered and done by a robot, we want it fast, accurate and it must be scaled. Robots are taking that mundane and tedious work away from people and allowing people to do the stuff they are more suited to,” she says.

She is a champion of using technology to advance business, urging business leaders to ‘just start’ their digital transformation journey instead of waiting until there is a perfect product that fits every single functionality.

“I think if you don’t go and start the journey you’re going to get left behind in the digital journey itself, which is what every company in every industry is facing.” 

Dimension Data is an US$8 billion information technology services company, which employs over 28 000 employees across 47 countries on five continents.  It specialises in systems integration and managed services provision that enables the optimisation of today’s evolving technology environments to enable its clients to leverage data in a digital age. Founded in 1983, and headquartered in Johannesburg, Dimension Data is a member of the NTT Group, a one of the world’s leading information communication technology (ICT) companies. 

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